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Northrop Grumman invests in Artificial Intelligence to promote onboard processing of satellite data

Northrop Grumman, an American global aerospace and defense technology company, announced new investment into the startup Deepwave Digital, reported Defense News. This will allow it to push data processing much closer to the point of collection, decreasing the amount of data that needs to be transported and getting products to warfighters faster, said the defense news portal.

Northrop Grumman will install Deepwave Digital’s artificial intelligence solution on airborne and on orbit payloads, said Chris Daughters, the company’s vice president of research, technology and engineering for aeronautics systems, told Defense News. With AI incorporated into the payload, the satellite or aircraft will no longer need to send data back to the ground to be processed. Instead, the payload will process the data itself.

“Deepwave Digital really has an innovative architecture that blends artificial intelligence with some advanced hardware in the RF [radio frequency] domain, whereas a lot of artificial intelligence in the past has always been focused on, I’ll just say, mining and scrubbing really big data or maybe doing customized things with video or audio,” said Daughters to the news portal.

Daughters said Northrop Grumman is working to incorporate Deepwave Digital’s AI solution into products in development or in limited production in the “very near term.”

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